Dan gario'r groes yn mlaen yr awn

(Cario'r groes)
Dan gario'r groes
    yn mlaen yr awn,
  I'r wlad sy'n llawn hyfrydwch;
Cawn yno daflu'r groes i ffwrdd,
  A siriol gwrdd mewn heddwch.

Cyd-deimlo mae ein Ceidwad cu
  A'r rhai sydd dani'n gruddfan;
Can's cariodd ef ei groes cyn hyn
  I ben y bryn ei hunan.

Ac yno'i fywyd pur a roes
  Ar bren y groes yn bridwerth:
O'i wirfodd marw wnaeth ei hun
  Dros waelaf ddyn yn aberth.

Os croesau fyrdd
    a rhwystrau sy
  Yn awr i deulu Sïon;
Pan dderfydd dyddiau'r
    freuol oes,
  Fe dry y groes yn goron.
Cyd-deimlo mae ein :: Fe gydymdeimla'n

Cas. o dros 2000 o Hymnau (S Roberts) 1841
1: D Silvan Evans (Daniel Las) 1818-1903

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Lybia (<1868)
Morgannwg (hen alaw)

  Da iawn i ŵr yw dwyn yr iau
  Mae dirmyg Crist a'i groes i mi

(Carrying the Cross)
While carrying the cross
    forward let us go,
  To the land which is full of delight;
There we may throw the cross away,
  And cheerfully meet in peace.

Sympathising is our dear Saviour
  With those who are groaning under it;
Since he carried his cross before this
  To the summit of the hill himself.

And there his pure life he gave
  On the wood of the cross as a ransom:
Voluntarily die he did himself
  For the worst man as a sacrifice.

If there are a myriad
    of crosses and obstructions
  Now for the family of Zion;
When the days of this fragile
    age pass away,
  The cross will turn into a crown.

tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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